Simplify fractions

Enter the numerator and denominator for the fraction that you want to simplify.
Note: The numerator and denominator can contain multiple terms.

The tool can be used to simplify a fraction as much as possible.

Simplifying a fraction means that the fraction is rewritten with smaller numbers in such a way that the quotient remains the same. This can be done by dividing both the numerator and denominator by the same number.

Normally when working with fractions it is desirable to only use whole numbers. This means that the numerator and denominator cannot be divided by just any number. It has to be a common divisor. The tool divides by the greatest common divisor in order to simplify the fraction as much as possible and still keep the numerator and denominator as whole numbers.

The tool can handle fractions where the numerator and denominator contain multiple terms. In that case, the fraction is simplified by dividing each individual term by the greatest common divisor for all of the terms. The terms are not combined and the intention is that it can be used to simplify fractions that contain variables where it would be impossible to combine the terms.

The following polynomial expression is an example of a fraction that contains multiple terms.

2x2 − 6x + 8

This fraction can be simplified using the tool by first removing the constants. If the numerator is entered as "2 - 6 + 8" and the denominator as "10" it will result in the following fraction.

2 − 6 + 8
1 − 3 + 4

Then the constants that was removed earlier can be put back to get the original fraction in its simplified form.

x2 − 3x + 4

Other tools that use fractions

Write decimal numbers as fractions, either exactly or as approximations with denominators of limited size.
Perform calculations with two fractions and see how the calculations are done in detail.
Calculate the lowest common denominator for two or more fractions.